
IMG 20240720 101935Ok, so it took 24 years. This is what they told us would happen: airport shut down, hospitals impacted, global communications breakdown. But instead of my husband or me handling the crisis calls--it's our daughter, who's also in IT.

Talk about surreal.

Single point of failure. It can shut the world down.

Keywords: #crowdstrike #process #engineering

"The enigma of arrival" (V. S. Naipaul) refers to that feeling you have when visiting a place where you've never been--even more enigmatic, if you are less-than-fluent with the language. You don't know the codes, the mores, or the secrets.

mescardinalracingValutivity LLC loves Connecting with our fact, it's one of our core values. That's why both Valutivity LLC and our sister company, The Consulting Arts, partner with organizations that match our core audience, like faith-based & education-oriented non-profits.

This month, we are sponsoring Mechanicsville Elementary's 4th Annual Mechanicsville Miler. The Miler is a super-fun race event for children and adults on Saturday, October 6, 2012, at Mechanicsville Elementary. If you're interested in signing up, it's not too late! Sign up here on their Registration Form.

valutivityvlogo1color tinyValfamVValfamTCAtryptasemia logo  Singings for the Birds 100 tall.        Screenshot 20230301 002333

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richmond the alumni magazine entry 2012-09-25_19-54-43_950Richmond: The Alumni Magazine's Fall 2012 included the following in its Class Connections on page 36. Thank you UR!

If you're interested, here is the program from Lubbock Christian University's 2012 Scholars' Colloquium.