Coaching & Consulting

1000042139Key types of consulting

  • Coaching leaders and businesses to do great things in ways that align with their values
  • Coaching individual creators to reach their creative potential

Competencies in my backpack

Process engineering, creativity, change management, conflict management, writing & communications, project management, team building, event planning, product development, risk management, publishing

Valutivity LLC's Certifications

  • State Corp Comm. LLC-ID: #S305631-6 since 10/06/2009
  • Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS): #832359561 since 2009
  • Vendor # with e-VA: VS0000054574 since 2009
  • Small, Women & Minorities (SWaM) Certification: #682920 since 2009

If you have an LLC, and it is not on the list of exemptions, it is a US Federal requirement to submit your initial Beneficial Ownership Information.

1000069908“There’s not a single exception. All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are linked to more happiness,” noted Jean Twenge in “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” The Atlantic, September 2017.

Reading this spawns random memories of articles like, “Has television destroyed a generation?” or “Has Dungeons & Dragons led to teen deaths?” or “Has MTV destroyed music?”

1680756534748One unique feature about Valutivity is its collaboration between Leadership and creativity, via The Consulting Arts. This page is a compilation of some creativity and innovation resources we've used through the years--for both sides of the company. These are in alphabetical order, not in order of importance, quality or applicability.

A decade ago, I asked this question: "[H]ow can parents--think coaches, leaders--push just enough to inspire, but not enough to inflict pain? I'm not being rhetorical here."

Dan Rockwell of noted that, “Strong leaders leverage disagreements while weak leaders win arguments,” is powerful. I think his observation is analogous to “winning the battle but losing the war.”
