Since my undergrad days in the '90s, I've been fascinated by mashups. They weren't really called that back then...that term became popularized by the music industry a decade later. Rather, my introduction to the importance of these processes originated with Hungarian American scholar Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He noted that "Creativity is a process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains, and fields interact."

If you recognize his name but aren't sure why, it may be that you're familiar with his term "Flow."

Besides the music industry, mashups have found their way into many domains: food industry, education. Businesses have seen the benefits as well. A term they often use is horizontal teams, which refers to teams with a flat organizational structure, containing members from all related departments. The key principle is that people from different domains (in this case, departments) can generate better processes/projects based on their pooled experiences. 

This will be a living document. From here on, I will be adding links to articles--my own or others'--that highlight these intersections. 


M. Csikszentmihalyi (1999) Edited extract from R. Sternberg (Ed) (1999) Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 313-35.