micmValutivity LLC recently received this testimonial from client Tina Langley. As a Forwarding Agent and a Board Member for Mid India Christian Mission (MICM), Tina provides leadership through bookkeeping and communications delivery, entirely on a volunteer basis. MICM supports educational and health needs of children in in Damoh, India. Through the use of business process management and Lean principles, MICM has shaved off more than 85% of the time required to complete this role--from a hefty 120 hours of volunteer time required per month, to a slim 16 hours per month. According to GlassDoor.com, the median salary for a bookkeeper in Richmond, Virginia, is $55,500, or $26.68 per hour. At those rates, MICM has experienced a labor savings valued at over $33,000 annually. Talk about a significant benefit to a nonprofit seeking to invest all of its precious resources on needy children!


In Tina's own words:


tina_sm"I had always heard 'identify your gifts/talents' and then begin to use them for the Lord. That does make sense, but God had a different plan for me.
After some time, prayer, and prodding by God, I agreed to take on the volunteer position as bookkeeper for a non-profit mission organization. Anyone who knows me knows that math is not my strong point, but they also know that determination and organization is. So that was how I decided to transform a previously operation to one I envisioned being moved to the computer where all I had to do was punch in the numbers and it would do all the math for me. Sound simple? Well, it wasn't. Not only am I math challenged, but I am also computer challenged.


That's where God led me to Karen Smith-Will. I truly believe 'if God calls you, he will equip you.' Through Karen, I am now equipped to do the job as bookkeeper.

I unfolded my vision for what I wanted the bookkeeping position to look like and she has transformed all my ideas into reality. My top priorities were

  • as paperless an environment as possible
  • more professional look to receipts, reports, and all correspondence
  • all math and calculating of numbers to be done by the program we selected
  • last but certainly not least a method that would save me hours each month involved in getting the job done.

These were just a few of the goals Karen helped me to achieve. After 3 months of hard work, I am now reaping the benefits of Karen's expertise. Now, I come to her with questions of how to develop an idea to make my job even more efficient, but with the least amount of  work time on my part. She always comes up with a great idea.


Karen will be there every step of the way until you understand exactly what you're doing. It's an investment that you definitely need to make."


Would you like to hear more about how Valutivity LLC could help your nonprofit save hours of valuable volunteer time, while exceeding the goals your organization values the most? Click Contact Us to let us know how we can help you make a difference for your clients.



Before and after interviews with Mid India Christian Mission, Fall 2010 to present.

Bookkeeper salary, GlassDoor.com. Retrieved May 24, 2011 from http://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/bookkeeper-salary-SRCH_KO0,10.htm.


Nonprofit, lean, process, improvement, bookkeeping, mission, value, labor reduction, paperless, India, forwarding agent, receiving agent