1915: 6,725,000 packages (Modern)

1920: 68,000,000 packages (Modern)

1950: 6,000,000,000 (billion!) individual candies (hole-in-one)

1950: annually more than 70,000,000 rolls of plaintiff's Life Savers Assorted Mints are sold, to say nothing of many millions of packages of other flavors (justia.com)

1960s: 616 million packages per year

“The five-story structure had turned out as many as 616 million rolls of Life Savers a year during its peak period in the 1960’s, said Ray Sammarco, former plant manager. (Building)



1950, May 23; Life Savers Corporation v. Curtiss Candy Co, 182 F.2d 4 (7th Cir. 1950); Retrieved from https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/182/4/73358/

1951, June 21; correspondence (hole-in-one letter) from R. P. Noble to Mrs. Julius A. Page, Jr.