Mark Wylie, one of Morefield mine's miners (and a collector/ photographer), describes various elements in a single area of the mine, in this 📽️ video on YouTube, Myriad of Minerals.; you may want to open this in a separate tab.
Some of the minerals Mark mentioned in this "replacement zone":
- Albite - pale blue
- Aluminum Flourite - white or off-white
- Amazonite - teal
- Cryolite - beige/pale brown; used for flux; previously found in Greenland
- Elpasolite - purple
- Fluorite - not mentioned; forest green
- Iron staining - orange to brown
- Manganese oxide - dark brown/black; looks like fossilized branches
- Masutomulite (analog of the Zinnwaldite) - black
- Mica - silver; not mentioned; cube-like crystals in layers, like stacks of cards, called "books"
- Prosopite - lavendar
- Spessartite Garnet - pink
- Topaz (common) - white
- Yellow mineral - unknown, ⤴️ shown above, within the black Masotomulite circles near the center of the photo.
- Zinnwaldite - silvery green
See also:
Mineral species at Morefield mine
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