Sam Dunaway (current co-owner; scroll to "About the owners") mentioned one time, that he would love to see how many of the elements on the Periodic Table had been identified among the compositions of the various minerals located in Morefield mine.
Betsy Martin did the research and generated the graphic below, which she has graciously created for this project.
Please note the following: ⚒️ This grid has not been updated since 2017. ⚒️ New minerals (and potentially, new elements) continue to be identified, using a scientific process, in the mine. ⚒️ Any minerals that have been introduced into the mine (ie, by "salting", "surprising a child", or dumps from other mines", etc.) have not been included. ⚒️ The core periodic table of elements grid itself is modified from time to time, as science uncovers new information.
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Other source:
Personal communication, 2017, April 18, Betsy Martin. A brief bio for Betsy: