Category: The Consulting Arts
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FB IMG 16163374391292John McCormick has been a The Consulting Arts (TCA) piano student since 2014. As he completes his senior year in high school, we wanted to highlight his piano repertoire, which emphasizes classical music.

John is primarily a percussionist; he has learned a significant repertoire on the timpani, marimba, etc., as well as piano. He has studied percussion for years, with multiple teachers. He studied music theory with a former college professor during his junior and senior years.

John has eagerly performed in every Autumn and Christmas recital since 2014. He completed his Junior recital in 2020, and John is currently designing his upcoming senior recital.

Overcoming significant challenges in his life, John has incorporated constant practice of all of his instruments, to feed his natural gifts. He will continue studying music, at Virginia Commonwealth University Music Arts program, in Fall 2021. While we eagerly await his future potential, John is already a performing artist.

Piano Curriculum Vitae / Repertoire, John McCormick

Symphony #9, Beethoven*, arr. Liszt
Moonlight Sonata, Mvmt. 1, Beethoven*
🆕Moonlight Sonata, Mvmt 2, Beethoven*
Nocturne in Eb Maj., Chopin*
Pathetique in C Minor, Beethoven*;
also performed for Mechanicsville High's 2021 Unplugged performance (@25:02)
Ave Maria, Schubert
The Lute Concerto, Vivaldi
Minuet in G, Beethoven*
🆕Minuet in G, Bach
Well-tempered Clavier, Bach*
🆕Grandioso from Rhapsody in Blue, Gershwin
Prelude in E minor, Chopin*
🆕Andante, 6 Children's Pieces, Mendelssohn
Sonata 16, 2nd Mvmt., Mozart*
Sonatina #1, 1st & 2nd Mvmt., Lichner
Sonatina in G maj. Anh.5 #1, Beethoven*
Sonatina in F Maj. Allegro Assai, Beethoven*
Excerpt from Fur Elise, Beethoven
Elegy, Massinet
Waltz of the Flowers (Arr.), Tchaikovsky
Surprise Symphony, Haydn*
🆕Prelude 13, Chopin
Patience of Composers, McCormick (original composition)

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Above, a sample of his book graduations. For curricula, John used a combination of Keys for the Kingdom, Michael Aaron Book 4, and classical folios.
*Targeted for Senior Recital