Parent Category: Research
Category: The World Needs More Christmas Stories

PXL 20241222 034503689RAW 01COVER2Guest post, by D. G.

Y'all see this dood? He's the best.

He stands so peacefully and lets me braid his tail and put sleighbells in his mane.

FB IMG 1734838543399

I had to step out of his stall for half a second to grab another barrette and he shook like mad and lost all but one of the sleighbells.

I looked at him, and he gave me the face of a perfect gentleman. Surely, he did not do that on purpose. Must have been an itch.



This Dood, ©️2024 D. G.

Bells, ©️2024 Karen Smith-Will 

Bonus, from Karen:

PXL 20230904 1930489852The same day I saw D. G.'s story--that she graciously allowed me to post--one of my voice students sang,

"O'er the fields we go 

Laughing all the way 

Bells on bottoms ring..."

I mean, she's not wrong. 😂 

No matter what I do, that makes far more sense to her than "bells on bobtails ring".

Photo: Bobtail in Lancaster, ©️2023 Karen Smith-Will